
She is Mine -- Ch. 8

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HitoshiHalfbreed's avatar

Literature Text

She is Mine – Ch. 8

Fic info and Update
As usual, the idea for this fic goes to KS4U and the characters belong to Disney. Well, I know that it has been a little while since I said that I would upload this chapter, but I hadn’t really figured out how to start it until a little while ago. Either way, it would have been nicer to get this up when I said. The sooner I get this fic done, the better I’m going to feel about myself. lol Anywho, I hope that Ron gets his ass beat. I don’t like him. x3 I’m still working on how I want to work the fight into this. SPOILER~! Oh, and I’m sorry to disappoint you all, but this is another Ron-filled chapter. Dun dun duuuuuun~! I know that no one likes him all that much when it’s a Kigo fic, but hey, I’m a bad writer. x3 I feel as though I have to build upon his character at least a little bit even though I hate him so much. I mean really; shouldn’t he at least have a chance to gain some form of dignity? Plus I figured this was also an easy way for me to make a… reasonable ending. This fic may end up only being ten chapters long with an epilogue. I was expecting it to be eleven, but we’ll see. I may stretch it out by making the next chapter shorter than the rest of them, but, again, we’ll see. Anyway… lol I hope that you enjoy this chapter to the extent that anyone can when it’s mostly involving Ron. xP He can go F#%$ a cactus.


“What do you mean it’s not me, Kim!?” Ron screamed at the top of his lungs as he tried in a useless attempt to hide his tears. “Did you really have to use the most cliché line in the book?”

“Ron, calm down—“

“I’m not going to calm down!” Ron stood from the couch and walked closer to Kim. Untrue to his words, though, he calmed down a little when he put his hands on Kim’s shoulders. “Why..?” He muttered. Kim looked away from his teary eyes. She had figured that he would react this way, but she was still unprepared for the tears she saw.

“Because…” She said quietly.

“Because why..?” He said again.

“I—” She fought with the words in her mind and new she couldn’t lie about this. She couldn’t lie about Shego. It wasn’t even that; she couldn’t lie about her original intentions to break up from him for the past few months. “Ron… I’ve been wanting to… For a really long ti—”

“A really long time?” He nearly whispered the question. “What do you mean?”

“Ron…” Kim choked out his name in a partial sob. “I… never loved you like that… You’re practically my brother for crying out loud!” Ron’s fingers then suddenly tightened on Kim’s shoulder with a strength that she hadn’t realized that Ron had. The young man was crying and looking at Kim with the utmost betrayal. Kim had to look away again and she bit her lip. “I didn’t realize that you were rebound from Eric until about a year ago… And I didn’t want to hurt you!” Ron’s eyes were hard and he tightened his grip a little more.

“Ow--! Ron, that hurts!” Kim tried to shift away but Ron’s fingers were almost digging into her shoulder.

“That’s not the only reason, is it?” He muttered. Kim shook her head.

“That was the original reason…”

“Then what’s the other reason? There’s someone else involved?”

Kim slowly nodded her head.

“Shego?” His voice was as hard as his eyes and much colder as he spoke the woman’s name. Kim looked up at him in shock as the first few drops of her tears finally spilled over her eyes. How could he have known? What was he thinking? What was that new look in his eyes?

Kim, still shocked, nodded again, slower.

Ron narrowed his eyes and made a sound which could only be discerned as a snarl. He was no longer looking at Kim as he stood there, his hands tense with the rage that was now finally able to show itself. Ron made a sudden movement and shoved Kim out of his way, pushing her to the side and nearly forcing her to the floor if it hadn’t been for her reflexes. He began to stomp his way towards the front door, Rufus just then scurrying down the stairs after him.

“Ron, where are you going?” Kim yelled after him. He stopped for a moment and turned to her with more ferocity then she had been prepared to even imagine seeing in her lifelong friends eyes. Rufus slammed into the boys ankles as he did and looked at him with the same concerned look that Kim was giving him.

“To the airport.”

Ron threw the door open and walked out.


The young blond man stood in the middle of the baggage claim, looking around but not finding anything of value to look at to distract his mind as much as he needed it. He was so furious. He was seeing red. He could hardly focus on his watch when he unconsciously checked it for the time. Ron shook his head hard to try and get himself to focus.

“She’ll be here soon…” He muttered to himself.

Each second that ticked by only made him angrier. Tick… Tick… Tick… Tick… Tick… It was driving him insane! All he could think of was what he was going to do, what he was going to say, how he was going to act, why he was reacting the way he was, and each little tiny though made the rage burn in his now broken heart making him feel like he was on fire as he continued to look aimlessly around the—


The declaration brought Ron for his revere long enough to look at a young Japanese woman, wearing a full body black outfit, which practically floated down the stairs of the airport towards him. He stood unprepared for the large hug that was directed towards him, as his old friend Yori wore a large smile and wrapped her arms around the lanky boy. To his own surprise, a very faint smile traced his lips for a moment.

“Hey, Yori.” Yori looked up at him, still smiling.

“I was very surprised to have received your call, Ron-san. I was rather confused when you asked me to fly to American to bring what you wanted.” She tilted her head a little and her smile faded when she noticed Ron’s expression. “What is wrong?” She said in a less cheerful tone.

“Nothing that won’t be remedied very soon…” He muttered. He looked at the ground for a moment and then back up to Yori when he realized that she had pulled his hand from his pocket and was holding it in both of hers.

“You asked me to bring you the Lotus Blade because you were worried for Kim-san’s safety, but now I fear that something has gone terribly wrong?” The end of the woman’s sentence turned into a question as she bore into Ron’s eyes trying to find what was troubling him. At t his, the young man couldn’t help but smile a little once more.

“Kinda, yeah.” He said flatly. “Now I need it for her sanity rather than her safety.” Once more, Yori tilted her head in confusion at Ron’s words, but he simply continued. “So, is it coming in on baggage claim?” At this question, Yori seemed completely stunned.

“Do you really believe that I would leave something so sacred in the cargo hull of the plane? Of course not.” She smiled yet again. “We used our Yamanuchi prestige to let the flight attendants know that they were in no harm with the Lotus Blade in my protection.” Ron rubbed the back of his head in a bit of embarrassment.

“So then where is it?” He asked looking at her person and only seeing a small backpack on her back.

“We had to make sure that you were here before we brought it out again.”

“We?” He was suddenly incredulous, his worries momentarily forgotten.

“I brought some friends.” Yori motioned to the ceiling behind her. Two ninjas then dropped down behind her, one holding an ornate box, decorated with various ancient script and pictures of primates. The one holding to box, obviously male by the way he stood, stepped forward and bowed, presenting the box to Ron. As the male bowed, the other ninja, a female, bowed as well. A couple of people turned to watch with curious eyes as they saw the display, but none of the three ninjas seemed to care. Ron seemed to stiffen a bit at the presentation but he graciously took the box from the man.

“Thanks, Man.” Ron said. The Ninjas stood and looked at each other as if wondering what Ron had said, but neither seemed to care as they were suddenly moving away very quickly and then disappearing into an undiscovered abyss. The blond man then looked back to Yori just as confused as ever.

“They are still confused by your American expressions.”

“Oh.” Ron said still trying to find them. Yori chuckled a little and that caused one more smile to appear on Ron’s face. However, it disappeared when the young woman spoke again.

“So, Ron-san, you said that now you need the Lotus Blade for Kim’s… Sanity.” She noticed the look of pain that flooded her friend’s face so quickly. “My apologies, I do not wish to make things uncomfor—“

“It’s okay…” Ron said as he attempted to turn his frown into his regular happy grin, but instead it turned into a grimace. “Let’s go.”

Both of them walked out of the automatic doors and out into the sunlight that now shown through the separating clouds. The two were silent as they walked in the direction of the parking garage which Ron parked in. He couldn’t help but look around as they walked, again trying to relive his mind of the numbing pain. The only thing that seemed to catch his eye was the sight of two robins, flying together, chirping and cooing happily as they seemed to be dancing. The birds landed on a rafter above the pedestrian entrance to the parking lot and then looked down as Ron and Yori entered the building. Ron still watched them with such concentration that it nearly surprised him. Then, once again, tears slowly began to trickle down his cheek.

It took him a moment to see that Yori had already found his car and stopped there. He had to turn around and walk back to her, unconsciously apologizing, or what vaguely sounded like and apology. He wasn’t focusing on his words nor did he really care what he said at this point. He got into the driver’s seat of his car and waited for Yori to step into the passenger seat before he started the ignition. The loud, near deafening sound the engine in the old car made startled the young man out of his thoughts long enough for him to hear Yori ask him a rather broad question.

“What’s wrong, Ron?”She placed her hand on his before he pulled the gear shift out of park and into reverse. He looked her hand and then at her. Her eyes were so concerned and all he could muster as a returning expression was the same one of pain.

“A lot…” Ron sighed. “Let me see if I can start from the beginning.” As he pulled out of the parking garage and preceded down the highway, Ron began to relay the past few months experiences, hopes, dreams, nightmares, revelations, and despairs.

Even so, while he spoke he  could only think of those robins, He could only think of how close the stood next to each other on the rafter before looking at each other and stepping a little closer to one another. He then began to think of how much that resembled what he had seen in the park about a week ago and a stabbing pain ripped through his heart.

Ron shifted gears quickly and sped up so suddenly that even Yori flinched a little in response. He began racing for his destination, as fast as his old car could manage.


Kim sped down to the park as quickly as she could, fear lining her eyes. She had called Shego after Ron had stormed out of his own house and left Kim with Rufus to stand there stunned.

“Shego, I need you to meet me at the park!” Kim’s voice sounded exacerbated as she tried to compose herself and stop the tears from spilling through her eyelids.

“Princess, calm down. What is it?” Shego said over the kimmunicator, her voice trying to sound as soothing as possible. Kim was sitting in her car, continuously wiping her eyes, attempting to hide the tears.

“Ron just ran out of the house. I don’t know what he’s doing. I’m scared that he’s going to try to do something—“

“Kimmie.” Shego’s voice was again as calm as she could manage, but by looking at the screen on the kimmunicator, she could tell that her tone was apparently a little calming. “You need to calm down long enough so that you can at least drive here. Think you can do that?” Kim nodded slowly. “Alright. I promise that I will be there before you are.” Kim nodded again before smiling a little at Shego. She wiped a few more tears away and before she disconnected the call, she heard Shego say:

“I love you, Kim.”

Kim turned sharply into the parking lot and somehow managed to actually make it into a permitted spot to park her car. She saw Shego’s car a few spaced down but saw no sign of the woman in it. She looked around a little frantically for her until her eyes stumbled upon the large, familiar tree which she and Shego had spent much time together around. She obviously had not had the opportunity to change out of her uniform. Her back was turned to Kim and her arms were crossed as she looked up into the many intertwining branches of the large oak.

Shego found herself on the ground a second later before she could ever react. She fell into the still wet grass with a rather squishy thud. And she would have been upset had she not known who it was that tackled her. In an instant, she sat up and wrapped her arms tightly around her princess who was already beginning to cry into the taller woman’s shoulder. Shego ran her hand up and down Kim’s back until the sobs became nothing but quiet hiccups that hardly perforated the other sounds around them. Probably a little more abruptly than she should have, the raven haired woman put her hands on Kim’s shoulders and then cupped her chin to make Kim look into her eyes.

“Kimmie, I need you to tell me what’s going on. Why are you so upset?” Kim seemed a little shocked by the movement and all she wanted to do was just burry her face in Shego’s shoulders, but she did her best to compose herself. After taking a few deep breaths and finally pulling herself together, she looked up at Shego’s burning green eyes and had to force the tears back again.

“I’m afraid that Ron is going to do something to try and hurt you…” The sudden and loud laughter that ripped itself from Shego’s throat caught Kim off guard. The young woman looked down at her hands in her lap and just fiddled with her fingers. When Shego saw this, she was immediately quiet again. She placed her hand on Kim’s and tried to move her gaze to be fixed on Kim’s once more.

“Why do you think that? What could he possibly do to me?” There was mock sarcasm in her voice, but she did her best to hide it. Kim just scoffed quietly to herself.

“Apparently you don’t remember what happened at graduation…”

“Yeah I do. That crazy alien tried to take over the world. That blond haired idio—“ Shego saw the pain in Kim’s face when she said those words and quickly adjusted her statement. “Ron… and I had to take your father’s rocket or something like that in order to get out there and save you and Drakken.”

“Yes, but do you remember what happened to Ron?” Kim’s voice dropped a little as she remembered what she saw.

“I remember some glowing blue light.” The woman said sarcastically.

“He was using, though I know it sounds strange, his… mystical monkey powers.” Kim nearly had to fight a small laughing smile as she said the ridiculous words. “When we were fighting Monkey Fist for the first time, Ron, Rufus and Monkey Fist got hit with some weird ancient spell… And it only works when he’s really emotionally stressed, which doesn’t happen often…” There was a long silence that followed Kim’s words. She started to think that Shego wasn’t going to take her seriously, so she didn’t look up from her hands.

“And you think that he’s going to try to hurt me using this… monkey stuff?” Shego had to force herself to not say the words with overzealous sarcasm. Her princess simply nodded. “Kim—” The hero forced herself to look up at Shego now. “—You know me. I’ve fought you for some long amount of years and haven’t ever been severely injured.” The redhead cringed at the thought of having hurt Shego in the past, but Shego just placed her hand on Kim’s cheek and cupped it gently. “If you can’t hurt me, what makes you think that Ron can?” Kim thought about it for a moment and a small smile barely crept on to her lips.

“I don’t kn—”

“Because I have a very good reason to.” Both of the women looked up to see Ron marching towards them only a few yards away. In his hands he held to intricate jade blades, which looked sharp enough to split a hair right down the middle. His eyes were hard and his lips were set in a line. He stopped three feet away from the women kneeling in the grass and stared at them with not real emotion showing in his eyes. A few yards behind him stood Yori, holding herself in her arms a little scared because of how Ron was acting. A ninja who has fought many very skilled enemies on a day to day basis had fear in the deep recesses of her eyes, concerned for the two women and concerned for Ron.

Refusing to take her eyes off of Ron, Shego kissed Kim’s cheek before standing to face him. She crossed her arms, shifting her weight onto her left leg and looked at the blond boy with a mock glare.

“Oh do you?” She quipped.

Ron moved so quickly that his arms were practically a blue as he crossed the two blades in front of Shego attempting to cut at her midsection. She quickly jumped back, but not fast enough for one of the blade to make a small tear in the side of her uniform. She had jumped backward and up to one of the branches in the large tree and she crouched there letting her mocking grin turn into a growling sneer.

“Shego—” Ron yelled so loudly that Kim had to cover her ear.

“She is Mine!!”


To be continued in Ch. 9
Fic info and Update
As usual, the idea for this fic goes to KS4U and the characters belong to Disney. Well, I know that it has been a little while since I said that I would upload this chapter, but I hadn’t really figured out how to start it until a little while ago. Either way, it would have been nicer to get this up when I said. The sooner I get this fic done, the better I’m going to feel about myself. lol Anywho, I hope that Ron gets his ass beat. I don’t like him. x3 I’m still working on how I want to work the fight into this. SPOILER~! Oh, and I’m sorry to disappoint you all, but this is another Ron-filled chapter. Dun dun duuuuuun~! I know that no one likes him all that much when it’s a Kigo fic, but hey, I’m a bad writer. x3 I feel as though I have to build upon his character at least a little bit even though I hate him so much. I mean really; shouldn’t he at least have a chance to gain some form of dignity? Plus I figured this was also an easy way for me to make a… reasonable ending. This fic may end up only being ten chapters long with an epilogue. I was expecting it to be eleven, but we’ll see. I may stretch it out by making the next chapter shorter than the rest of them, but, again, we’ll see. Anyway… lol I hope that you enjoy this chapter to the extent that anyone can when it’s mostly involving Ron. xP He can go F#%$ a cactus.
© 2009 - 2024 HitoshiHalfbreed
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Erregk's avatar
I enjoyed the chapter a lot (Was a bit short imo, but then again, I read fast).

I gotta ask though, what is it you hate so much about Ron?
I personally, have always liked him, but there are some things I honestly just hate about him.